Amperes to Milliamperes Converter
Convert Amperes (A) to Milliamperes (mA).
Electrical Calculation Tools
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Amps to Milliamps Calculator: Current Conversion Guide
Convert Amps (A) to milliamps (mA) with our comprehensive calculator. Learn how to calculate current values with practical examples.
Basic Electrical Units
Ampere (A)
A unit of electric current measuring the rate of electric charge flow. One ampere equals one coulomb per second.
Milliampere (mA)
A unit of electric current equal to one-thousandth of an ampere. It is commonly used to measure small currents.
Conversion Formula
Amps to Milliamps Calculation
- mA = Current in milliamps
- A = Current in Amps
Practical Examples
Current Conversion Example 1
- Current = 2A
Converted Current:
mA = 2A × 1000 = 2000mACurrent Conversion Example 2
- Current = 0.5A
Converted Current:
mA = 0.5A × 1000 = 500mAFAQs
What is the difference between Amps and milliamps?
Amps measure the flow of electric current, while milliamps are a smaller unit used to measure lower currents. 1 Amp is equal to 1000 milliamps.
How do I convert Amps to milliamps?
To convert Amps to milliamps, use the formula: mA = A × 1000. Simply multiply the current in Amps by 1000.
When should I use milliamps instead of Amps?
Milliamps are typically used for measuring small currents in low-power devices, such as sensors, batteries, and electronic circuits.