Date Time Calculator
Calculate date and time differences, additions, and subtractions
Date & Time Selection
Say hello to the Date Time Calculator, a sleek, intuitive tool that simplifies date and time calculations.
This calculator has three powerful operations and a modern, easy-to-use feel.
Let’s dive into what it does, how it works, and why you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it.
How To Use Date Time Calculator
The calculator offers three essential operations:
- Add: Pick a start date and time, then toss in a duration—years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, even milliseconds. Hit calculate, and bam, you’ll see the exact date and time after adding it all up. Planning 6 months and 2 weeks from now? This nails it.
- Subtract: Start with a date and time, then dial back by any duration you choose. What happened three years, four days, and ten hours ago? It’ll rewind the clock for you, no sweat.
- Duration Between: Drop in a start date/time and an end date/time, and this tool crunches the total duration between them down to the millisecond. Perfect for tracking how long that project took or how many weeks until your next big thing.
Packed with Features
We’ve loaded this calculator with everything you need to keep things smooth and simple:
- Date Pickers: Clickable calendars for Start and End Date make picking dates a snap—no manual typing hassles. Icons following the fields give it that extra polish.
- Time Input Fields: Use the easy-to-use fields to Set Start and End Times (think 24-hour or AM/PM vibes—your call).
- Numeric Inputs for Duration: In Add or Subtract mode, you’ll get fields for Years, Months, Weeks, Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds, and Milliseconds.
- Calculate Button: With one click, the magic happens. Results pop up instantly, and there are no page reloads or waiting.
- Clear Button: Done? Hit Clear, and every field resets to zero.
Results are displayed in multiple useful formats:
- Multiple Formats: You can see your total duration in Total Hours, Minutes, Days, Weeks, Months, and Years.
- Friendly Readout: Get a clean, formatted breakdown like “3 years, 2 months, 15 hours, 45 minutes”—easy to read and share.